Why do we trun off sample spinning when we do NOESY experiment?
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Journal club
05-25-2012 07:14 PM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Why do we trun off sample spinning when we do NOESY experiment?
Why do we trun off sample spinning when we do NOESY experiment?
Why do we trun off sample spinning when we do NOESY experiment?
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05-25-2012 07:14 PM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] spinning heating sample in MAS
spinning heating sample in MAS
there are two known mechanisms: friction heating( which may cause several degrees temperature increase) and induced AC current heating( in this paper:Electrical and ionic conductivity effects on magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance parameters of CuI. which can heat sample over 100 Celsius.)My question is, has any body seen this heating in MAS NMR?
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04-30-2012 05:23 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: A sample 4D HCCH Noesy spectrum
Re: A sample 4D HCCH Noesy spectrum
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[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: A sample 4D HCCH Noesy spectrum
Re: A sample 4D HCCH Noesy spectrum
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